LEX4BIO poster presentation at International Fertiliser Society Conference, Cambridge, UK, 6-8 December
8 December 2023
A scientific poster, output from work package 4 “Agronomic efficiency of BBFs as N source for crops”, led by Lars Stoumann Jensen, University of Copenhagen, was presented at the International Fertiliser Society’s 2023 Conference held in the United Kingdom, 6 – 8 December.
The poster titled “Evaluating the Performance of Biobased Nitrogen Fertilizers using Dynamic Modelling” presents work aimed at increasing the understanding of BBFs agronomic and environmental performance. It summarizes the results obtained from applying a process-based model, capable of simulating the cycling of water, nitrogen and carbon in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. The model is showcased as a versatile tool for evaluating the performance of different farming practices and technologies such as BBFs.
The poster authored by Muhammad Adil Rashid, Lærke Wester Larsen, Sander Bruun, Lars Stoumann Jensen was among the top 10 finalists running up for the 2023 Brian Chambers International Award for Early Career Researchers in Crop Nutrition.
This year’s conference was open for presentations both with crop nutrition and fertiliser production focus, as well as some other of general interest. It provided a unique opportunity for delegates to meet, discuss topics of common interest and build relationships with people working in different parts of the fertiliser and crop nutrition supply chain.
Download the poster here.