LEX4BIO team is proud to share that the project has recently concluded a smooth second periodic review and has been awarded a greatly positive report by the EC.
We look at this as an outstanding achievement under the leadership of Lex4Bio coordinator Kari Ylivainio and LUKE’s team but also made possible thanks to the absolute dedication of all partners and their concerted efforts in working towards the accomplishment of the project’s goals and objectives.
The reviewing expert and the EC Project Officer assessed project’s activities as very well advancing, with producing high quality deliverables and outputs expected to have a significant impact on our knowledge about bio-based fertilisers (BBF) in agriculture – their benefits, limitations and potential risks, how to enhance their utilization and what advantages they can potentially bring to stakeholders involved in work resulting in the production of organic waste or other nutrient-rich side streams (NRSS).
Keep following Lex4Bio to stay updated with our final results and events aiming for advancing the circular bio-economy and preserving European #soils fertile and healthy.