Towards closing nutrient cycles for a sustainable future – from R&D to implementation
Nutrients in Europe Research Meeting (NERM) 2024 is the final event of Lex4Bio H2020 project, where it will present key findings and analysis of biobased fertilizer field trials, life cycle assessment insights as well as socio-economic impact deliberations, all in the scope of nutrient recycling and recovery.
The forum, taking place in Brussels and online from 16 to 17 April, is co-organized with the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform, Biorefine Cluster Europe and four other EU funded projects – FertiManure, Walnut, Rustica and Sea2Land.
In addition to featuring projects’ results, the meeting will include a research students’ meeting on April 15th and some site visits on April 17th. Keynote speakers from the European Commission will address the audience during the plenary sessions on April 16th.
The call for abstracts is open until November 15, 2023. See the requirements below.
Follow the link to check on the preliminary programme: