On November 16, Dr. Else K. Bünemann-König, Head of the Department of Soil Sciences at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Switzerland and work package leader in LEX4BIO made a presentation at the Autumn Conference on Soil, Fertilizers and Environment in Olten, Switzerland entitled “Availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in commercial and recycled fertilizers – results from the EU project LEX4BIO: EU fertilizer regulation with product function categories and component material categories; Efficiency of bio-based fertilizers and impact on soil quality”.
The event was attended by 32 participants and featured 10 speakers, covering federal and cantonal offices, private industry, (applied) universities, agricultural research institutes and agricultural schools.
The presentations were followed by discussions deliberating on the following questions:
– Is there data available on the risks of the BBFs, i.e., on levels of various contaminants?
– How does anaerobic digestion affect the maintenance of soil organic carbon stocks?
An important conclusion as an outcome of these discussions was that at present, the EU fertilizer regulation does not apply to Switzerland, but its adaptation to Switzerland is in progress