4th European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference (Vienna – June 2020): The European Sustainable Phosphorus Conference is a unique event bringing together companies, stakeholders, regional and national authorities, innovation and researchers, to discuss phosphorus and nutrients sustainability actions and policies. ESPC4 is jointly organised by the European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP) and Proman Consulting, active partner of the LEX4BIO consortium. https://phosphorusplatform.eu/espc4/1865-4th-european-sustainable-phosphorus
RAMIRAN Conference (September 2020 – UK): The conference will focus on developing strategies to maximise the efficiency of organic materials against a background of changing regulation, policy and market forces, as well as increasing pressure on the environment, soil quality and food production. Our LEX4BIO partner UHOH will propose an abstract and poster presentation to introduce our work during this internationally recognize event. https://www.ramiran2020.org/
FiBL and UCPH at Eurosoil (August 2020) and the Organic World Congress (September 2020) and plenty of other events planned for 2020! Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook to meet us!