Since its launch in June 2019, Luke as LEX4BIO coordinator, has been presenting the project ambition to several events, ensuring to gain in visibility and attract stakeholders in supporting the achievement of our objectives.
Coordinators Day – Brussels – 06.06.2019
LEX4BIO was presented in Brussels in front of other coordinators of H2020 projects funded through the calls for proposals of 2018 as well as in front of the European Commission and Project Officers. It was the opportunity to introduce LEX4BIO’s objectives during a dedicated short session.
International Phosphorus Workshop 9 (IPW9)
LEX4BIO was presented by Luke during IPW9 between the 8th to 12th of July 2019 in Zurich, Switzerland. The audience consisted of researchers, industry representatives and policy makers (over 200 participants from 31 countries) focusing on diverse phosphorus issues:
1) phosphorus scarcity,
2) optimizing regional and national P cycles,
3) sourcing P fertilizers,
4) efficient P use in agroecosystems
5) environmental P problems
It was a great occasion to participate to a very relevant workshop on the optimisation of the use of P fertilizers and recycling nutrient-rich side-streams.
During the workshop, LEX4BIO was presented for the stakeholders with a poster enabling to take relevant contacts with the attending stakeholders.
Besides Luke, BOKU, US, UCPH, PAS, PM, FiBL have also represented the LEX4BIO consortium during IPW9.

6th conference on Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) 2019
Luke, BOKU, JKI, AII-RG have participated to the 6th DGT conference in Vienna from the 17th to the 20th of September 2019.
The audience was mainly composed of the research community focusing on the methodology of DGT and application of DGT in a various environmental science disciplines.
LEX4BIO was presented with a poster during the conference allowing to discuss regarding our methodology and practicalities for the analyzes.