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Scientific Publications
Phosphorus recovery and recycling – closing the loop
There is a clear and pressing need to better manage our planet's resources. Phosphorus is a crucial element for life, but the natural phosphorus cycle has been perturbed to such an extent that humanity faces two dovetailing problems: the dwindling supply of phosphate...
Remediating Agricultural Legacy Nutrient Loads in the Baltic Sea Region
The Baltic Sea is considered the marine water body most severely affected by eutrophication within Europe. Due to its limited water exchange nutrients have a particularly long residence time in the sea. While several studies have analysed the costs of reducing current...

Potential ammonia volatilization from 39 different novel biobased fertilizers on the European market – A laboratory study using 5 European soils
A scientific paper by Lærke Wester Larsen, Dorette Sophie Müller-Stöver, Tapio Salo and Lars Stoumann Jensen about the risk of ammonia (NH3) volatilization from 39 biobased fertilizers (BBFs) was just published in the Journal of Environmental Management of Science...
Improving the prediction of fertilizer phosphorus availability to plants with simple, but non-standardized extraction techniques
In the framework of the circular economy, new P fertilizers produced from diverse secondary raw materials are being developed using various technologies. Standard extraction methods (neutral ammonium citrate (NAC) and H2O) provide limited information about the...
Transition to Circular Economy in the Fertilizer Sector—Analysis of Recommended Directions and End-Users’ Perception of Waste-Based Products in Poland
This paper presents an analysis of recommended directions for the use of nutrient-rich waste in fertilizer sector and an evaluation of possible interest in this kind of fertilizer by a selected group of end-users (nurseries). The scope of research includes the...